Project Hiring

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Project Hiring

Project based hiring is a solution where the hiring is outsourced to the hiring partner on exclusive basis for the particular project. Depending on the need, outsourced recruiters work onsite with the corporate talent acquisition team. These days Project based hiring is a preferred choice to lot of companies because of the following benefits:

  • Better Hiring Timelines – It works excellent in meeting the deadline to hire.
  • Cost Reduction – The solution is cost effective. It leads to reduction in Cost per hire and any direct Advertising cost
  • Reduced time to Hire – Manages the hiring process well, leading to better time to hire.
  • Quality of Hires – Quality of hire gets better as the hiring process is very extensive and requires deeper penetration in the talent pool to present the right candidate.
  • Scalability – The solution gives the flexibility to scale the operations as and when required.
  • Analytics & Reporting – The solution helps track the entire recruitment process at every stage on real time basis, making it easy for quick decision making.